One developmental assignment for school was to make a chain counting down the days until Christmas. I haven’t ever done an advent with Kina yet, so I decided it would be fun to add a twist to this chain activity. I created my own advent list. Each chain has a topic and a Bible verse. When you take a chain off each day you can read it to your child while also counting down the days until Christmas! There are also a few random challenges scattered in there. Before Thanksgiving the challenges are geared toward thankfulness and after Thanksgiving they are Christmas theme!
A few things to know:
- The Advent chain starts November 11th. (If you aren’t able to put it together before then you can always read a few a day.) They are short and sweet.
- Download the advent by clicking here.
- Print out the download on colored paper (or whatever you have 😉 and place the chains in numerical order.
- If any thoughts come to mind while reading it to your child feel free to share/ask them questions. I kind of wanted to include a sheet on discussion topics, but I didn’t get around to it.
- It’s easy peasey! Enjoy!
Have you done Advents around Christmas before? Either for yourself or your kids? I would love to hear your experience and what you used/liked!